Experience Our Premium Cigars
Cigar in a Habano wrapper with a glossy texture, with a Dominican binder, and Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. These offer flavors of wood and a sweet smoky presence, as well as a strong aroma that is pleasant to the nose. Medium strength
Haina is a Cigar with a unique mixture strictly balanced, highly creamy, and seductive to the palate, with woody, and cinnamon nuances
In a Habano or San Andrés wrapper, a Cuban and Dominican binder variety, as well as an excellent mix of Dominican, Cuban, and Nicaraguan fillers. This includes smoky tones, making this cigar worthy of admiration
Cigar with notes of coffee, cocoa, citrus, and dry fruits. Pleasant to the lower part of the sky in the mouth, as well as to the sides of the tongue where you can enjoy its creaminess and aftertaste
A little creamy smoke in the mouth, a mixture of aromas that announce the complexity of the experience. A cigar that maintains the palate with a harmonious dance of flavors as well as nuts and spices.
When lighting up this cigar, it immediately receives the body and notes that make up this well-balanced medium-strength cigar with a complexity of flavors that contain toasted notes of coffee and cocoa, maintained throughout the smoke
Legend has it that on one occasion, Spaniards were passing through the banks of a stream that came down from the northern mountain range seeking camp to rest. The rocks dragged by the stream produced a strange sound, one of the admired Spaniards exclaimed, "It sounds like a Tamboril!". Tamboril is known as a small tambora drum.
The Tamborilero Cigars brand combines classic emotions with contemporary innovative sensations. We seek to challenge your sense of smell and palate so that you experience ultra-sensory sensations, which you will undoubtedly keep as memorable moments.
"We truly value our customers! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We're here to help!"
Monroe, New York, United States
1800-789-4342 sales@tabacaleratamboril.com info@tabacaleratamboril.com
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