Tamborilero Cigars was born from a vision—a vision of creating cigars that satisfy the most discerning aficionados. Founded by Junior Ventura, a passionate cigar aficionado with over 30 years of experience, our factory was built from the ground up after years of exploration, testing, and a commitment to quality that surpasses the ordinary.
In 2019, Tamborilero cigars emerged as the culmination of over 8 years of dedication. What began as a personal hobby soon evolved into an ambitious pursuit to understand the unique behavior of tobacco from diverse regions—Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Indonesia, Africa, and the United States. This in-depth exploration of the nuances of tobacco leaves, their blends, and their interaction with binders and wrappers formed the foundation of our artisan cigars.
We honor the municipality of Tamboril, the heart of the Dominican cigar industry, by crafting our cigars entirely by hand, using only the finest tobacco leaves. Our goal is simple: to elevate the experience of cigar smoking through innovation, while respecting tradition.
At Tabacalera Tamboril, we believe in creating cigars that provoke sensations, ignite the senses, and leave a lasting impression on the palate and nose.
From our small-batch creations to our larger blends, every cigar we produce is a testament to our craftsmanship, dedication, and relentless pursuit of excellence. We invite you to explore the rich complexity of our cigars, crafted with the highest standards and passion that define Tabacalera Tamboril
Nicotiana Tabacum is native to the Andean highlands region and arrived in the Caribbean about 2,000 to 3,000 years BC.
The indigenous Taíno people used tobacco for smoking and medicinal purposes. It was during Christopher Columbus's first voyage in 1492 that Europeans were astonished to witness the use of these "herbs" from which smoke emerged from the mouth and nose.
The use of tobacco was multifaceted; it was used to numb the body and provide pleasure, and it was also used as a means to help heal the sick through the shaman. Among other indigenous groups, such as the Native Americans, peace treaties were often sealed by smoking "the peace pipe."
When the Spaniards arrived on the island, they quickly adopted the use of tobacco.
For example, in 1540, Padres Las Casas noted as a remarkable event that he had met "a Spaniard married on this island who dared to take tobacco and inhale its smoke, just as the natives did, and he claimed that he felt great benefits from it and would not give it up for anything.
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