Expect a cigar with a balanced mix of earthy, woody, spicy, and creamy flavors. The Nicaraguan filler adds depth, while the Cuban tobacco brings richness. A Habano or San Andrés wrapper adds a touch of sweetness or chocolate, and the Dominican and Cuban binders offer smoothness and structure
A truly incredible product that takes time and the greatest dedication of all the cigars made by Tabacalera Tamboril; thus impregnating quality and perfection in each smoke.
Tasting Notes
Balanced smoke with hints of citrus, wood, and nuts with medium strength. Highly creamy, and low acidic.
In a Habano or San Andrés wrapper, a Cuban and Dominican binder variety, as well as an excellent mix of Dominican, Cuban, and Nicaraguan fillers. This includes smoky tones, making this cigar worthy of admiration.
Wrapper: Habano or San Andres
Binder: Dominicano, Cubano
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Cuban
Strength: Medium
Size(s):50X6, Torpedo 52X6, 54X6, 60X6, Torpedo 60X6
Our cigars are meticulously farmed in the Dominican Republic, renowned worldwide for its perfect climate and fertile soil that produce some of the finest tobacco in the world. Every cigar is a testament to the island’s rich tradition of craftsmanship and quality
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